Thursday, May 26, 2016

My current favorite summer trend: The wide leg pant!

                I’m loving the summer trends right now because a lot of the fashion is hijabi friendly! You can easily find long maxi dresses, skirts, kimonos, cardigans  and loose-fit clothing at stores like H&M, Zara, Forever 21, Banana Republic etc. But, my favorite thus far this summer has to be the wide leg pant. I cannot tell you how much I love this trend. This item is so nice because it’s light, airy and so modest!

                I stocked up on a lot of wide leg pant styles last year while I was pregnant. I couldn’t wear them while I was pregnant (for obvious reasons), but I intended to save them for the following summer—I’m so glad I did! It also seems that this year, the wide leg pant is back with even better quality styles and so much variety. I have some that are patterned and some are that are plain, and you can style a lot of the solid colored pairs to occasions like I did in this photo—(Disclaimer: This is my failed attempt at ‘modeling’). Photocred @JessicaKobeissi :)

                I was super comfortable in this outfit as I wore it to a relative’s wedding. I bought the pants from Forever 21, the waistcoat/vest from Banana Republic and the bow tie blouse from Forever 21 a few years ago. The color orange may not be your first choice when considering a wide-leg pant purchase, but if you choose to tone it down with other colors that aren’t so bright, or rather neutral, you can pull off a conservative, classy look. 

               You can really re create this look with a variety of colors, for instance, if maybe you had burgundy pair of wide leg pants, and a black/cream waistcoat. Or, you can even use a black bow tie blouse instead. There are plenty of ways you can wear this outfit using different color tones.

               What’s great about the wide leg pant is that you can style it sort of the way you would a skirt. For example, if loose enough to where the pants don’t shape your body, you may not need to find long shirts to go with it. You would be able to tuck in your blouse/shirt (whatever works), which allows for a lot more options when shopping! Not to mention that a lot of the wide leg pants that are out are breezy and light, which is so nice for us hijabis in the summer. 

               I always convince myself to buy hijabi friendly styles before they are no longer on trend (it’s also my way of justifying reasons to shop). I cannot tell you how many items of clothing my mom used to own that are trending now but have disappeared in past years. I still bug her about throwing them out.

              What is your favorite summer trend this year? Share in the comment section below! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Getting your hijab done for occasions: Keep it simple, keep it classy.

   So for years we’ve been hearing about women getting their hair done, nails done, face done, etc. But, people, we are in 2016 and Muslim women are getting their hijabs done, too. While this has created some good businesses for some clever women who have learned the art of styling hijab, my personal take is the less flashy, the better. 

                For those of you who don’t wear the hijab, or are not quite sure what I’m talking about… here’s a little rundown: Many women seek out hijab stylists for special occasions so that they can have a different, fancier look that matches their fancy attire. While this may seem a little odd, there are several different ways one can wrap her hijab. For example, in my case, I don’t wrap my hijab one way all the time. It just depends on my outfit and which style works best with it. Likewise, with occasions, sometimes an evening gown might require something a bit more decorative. I usually don’t get my hijab done (only got it done on my wedding day)—I just prefer a fancier material like silk or chiffon-- but I do see a lot of pretty, subtle, and elegant styles that are out there. But, that’s the key in my opinion: Less is always more in this instance.

              However, I do have to admit that I have seen some scarf styles that are a bit too over the top for my liking. It's also important to keep in mind that hijab is a representation of modesty/reserve, and some styles can draw more attention than a woman who wears barely anything to an occasion.

               For instance, I have seen fringes that swing across foreheads, excessive crystal-like embroidery, and braided fabric. Come on ladies, we can do better than that! I’ve also noticed a lot of stuffing that goes into some of the styles. I know that stuffing needs to be put in place to add a little volume, but when stuffed excessively, they tend to create larger than life mountain bumps. I would prefer someone in a two piece hijab with an evening gown, rather than the outrageous bump heights. Or just ask your stylist to keep the stuffing to a minimum.

              If you want to get your hijab done, I suggest you ask the stylist to keep it simple and classy. And, what’s nice about the hijab is that it’s not like your hair where you sit in a chair and wait for the hair stylist to complete the look. If you don’t like what you see, you can easily ask for it to be fixed as it is being designed.  

               Nada Makki is one of the many hijab stylists in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Her slogan for her business is “Simple yet elegant". Here are some pictures of her work that I think are appropriate styles and could complement evening attire.

              Nada can be contacted via phone : (313) 999-9980 and e-mail: . You can also follow her on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and pinterest @hijabstylesbynada .

              There are many women, especially in and around Dearborn MI, who are also hijab stylists and are talented in this craft. My suggestion is to envision a style and aim to wear your hijab in a simple and elegant fashion, like those worn in the above pictures. 

              Do you get your hijab done? If so, feel free to give your hijab stylist a shout out. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How to clean where you get clean: The Shower!

               Today I want to share with you how I clean the area I use to get clean: The shower! I have to say that I’ve tried numerous products while cleaning my shower. And, it’s not that those products didn’t do the job, most of them did…I just wanted to see my shower sparkle. Sometimes, my philosophy on cleaning aligns with that of a child as I question: if there isn’t soapy foam is it really clean? 

               My shower is all tile and I have a glass shower door, which is SO annoying to keep clean. I like it better than a shower curtain, but good god there’s just so many parts of it that you have to detail. Anyway, back to the soapy foam. I always knew that something that always gets soapy and foamy is dish soap. So, one day I decided to use my Polmolive dish soap to clean my shower , and alas, I saw my shower sparkle.

               You may find this strange, but I kid you not, my shower has never been so sparkling clean. I tried to get a good picture to post for you, but my shower is in my basement, and the lighting is horrible so a picture wouldn't do it justice. I usually clean my shower about twice a week, and I do it right before I take a shower. Here’s my routine:

1. I spray some Clorox clean-up with bleach OR Lysol (whatever I feel like using that day) all over the shower. I also spray some on the shower door.

2. I wait about five minutes, just so the cleaning product kills any bacteria that may be present.

3. I turn my shower on to really hot water. I then wash away the cleaning product.

4. I grab my bathroom sponge (because I have to have a separate sponge), squeeze some dish soap onto it and then wet it just a tad.

5. I then begin to scrub my shower head, the knob, the shower door, the tiled walls and the tiled floor of the shower. You may need to add more dish soap as you continue your scrubbing.

6. After everything is scrubbed down, I grab my removable shower head and begin washing away all of the soapy foam. If you don’t have a removable shower head, I would suggest using maybe a water pot used for gardening. Or, if you’re Muslim, you can use … you know … that pot we all have in our bathrooms (of course, sanitize it first).

                That’s pretty much my shower cleaning routine. I initially started using Polmolive dish soap to clean it, then my husband had bought me dish soap from Costco (you'll soon learn that is our favorite store), and it really does the job just as well. So, if you don’t have Polmolive brand, I’m sure any dish soap can make your shower sparkle. 

                My mother-in-law recently told me that she uses laundry detergent to keep her shower clean! And, I’m sure there are other uncommon techniques out there. Have you heard of any? If so, share in the comment section below! I’d love to hear it! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog by submitting your e-mail. :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Traveling with Baby: Some uncommonly thought of packing tips.

 Before I had my daughter, I used to pack just two nights before traveling. And, very seldom did I forget things –except for the one time I forgot to pack my husband’s undergarments (it’s still hilarious, but that deserves another post). But, when I had my daughter, the thought of packing haunted me for weeks before our trip.  I kept having recurring nightmares that I forgot some of her essential items back home and I woke up frantic. 

My number one suggestion when packing with a baby is to pack ahead of time: at least one week in advance! Start by creating a list of all of the things your baby needs so that throughout the week whatever you remember you can add on. 

This will lessen your chances of leaving anything behind. Through my recent traveling experience to Florida, I figured I’d share with you some items that you may of not considered before to help you pack for your baby!         
1. Protective swimwear

Of course, sunscreen is a given. But, this swim shirt offers an extra piece of mind. Now, I know you are super excited to put your baby in that swimsuit that you bought from Janie and Jack…but keep in mind that your child’s skin is super susceptible to sunburn. I couldn’t wait to put my daughter in her adorable, colorful swimsuits so that I can photograph her. But, I knew that protecting her from the sun was far more important. These protective swim suits are a must have! They are long sleeve and you can find them anywhere. I actually saw a few at Target last week (here’s a link to one on Target’s website: Protective Swimwear). Along with the sunscreen, these long sleeve swim shirts will help protect your little baby’s soft, fragile, kissable skin! And, the sun in Florida is definitely different than the sun here in Michigan. It’s much stronger.

2. A baby carrier-

We were kind of iffy about this, but we ended up buying this Infantino baby carrier and it was so worth it! It holds up to 32 pounds, and it was really nice to use when we wanted to avoid hauling the stroller around. My husband did the carrying, but he said it was very comfortable with plenty of support for his back! We were able to use it when walking on the beach, which was really nice, and my daughter seemed to enjoy it, too.

3. Items for the plane- I’m sure you’ve probably read that the elevation of the plane may cause some discomfort to your baby’s ears during take-off and landing. It’s true. You may have also read that having the baby suck on a pacifier or bottle may help ease some of that discomfort. Also true. But, I do also suggest that when in flight to take some of your baby’s favorite toys, or books to keep him or her occupied. If your baby has a favorite show like mine does (Maya the Bee FTW) download it on an iPad and allow them some TV time (with no sound, though) in flight. Snacks are also a good thing to keep in your baby bag, as it will help kill some time as they work on their fine motor skills and enjoy their little nom nom.

4. Lysol/Clorox/Disinfecting wipes- I always like to take disinfecting wipes with me when I travel. Maybe I’m a little paranoid, but I used them to clean my stroller, car seat, and the crib that the hotel offered for our stay.

4. A crib sheet- Many hotels offer a crib for babies to sleep in during your stay. I took a sheet for my daughter just because it made me feel a little more comfortable as she slept in the hotel crib.  

5. A wipeable (is that a word?) bib- I honestly recommend these for everyday use and not just for travel, but they are great to take on vacation. It just saves you the extra laundry that you would have to bring back if you used cotton, cloth like bibs. Wipeable (Sorry if it's not a word) bibs are just so much more convenient and super light. I found mine at Target, and there are many different options.

6. This floaty thingy- 

So, originally we bought a different one, and it was no good. Then, we bought the one pictured above, and my daughter had so much fun in it. Not to mention it floats really well and it seemed really comfortable to be in. It’s colorful and cute and safe (with supervision, of course)
7. Health insurance cards- I cannot stress how important this is. I’ll admit, my daughter had a fever when we were on our vacation, and it scared the crap out of me. It went down quickly after I gave her some Tylenol, but if it had gotten worse I would have definitely had to take her to the ER. It’s always good to have your insurance cards on-hand when you are traveling away from home. You just never know what happens.

                Overall, we had a great time on our first family vacation. Florida is such a beautiful state, and really makes me question why I still live in Michigan. My family is lucky that I love them.

What are some uncommon things you recommend to take on vacation? Also—if you have more than one child, what are some tips you have when traveling!? 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Ten must-have items that belong in every woman's wardrobe!

If you scrolled through the images before reading this post… I just want to assure you that this isn’t a guide about how to be basic. This is a post that I think all girls can relate to. These are some versatile and essential pieces of clothing that I think every woman should have in her wardrobe. You can style each and every one of these articles in a number of ways, which is what makes them so useful! Here are my top ten favorite and must-have items in my closet:

1. A long black blazer: 

 Whether you want to dress this up, or wear it with a white t-shirt and jeans; you’ve got to have a long black blazer. It’s such a classy piece that you can match with so many different outfits that gives off that refined, chic look. I bought this specific blazer from H&M and I believe they still have it online. It has a nice structured fit to it, too!

2. A black maxi dress:

 Well… to be honest, any solid color maxi dress is good to have for the summer, but a black one is just your savior for when you don’t have anything else to wear. It’s the dress you wear to go shopping, or to lunch with your friends. It’s convenient—especially for hijabis—because you can mix and match many different hijab colors and patterns to give it a different look each time.

3. A jeans (denim) jacket: 

I think every wardrobe should have a little jeans jacket. This works for me especially when I have maxi dresses that are sleeveless (like the one pictured above). I think that a denim jacket like this works on almost any maxi dress. It’s a good alternative to wearing cardigans because a lot of cardigans have that sweater-like material, so the jeans jacket is much cooler. Also, for us hijabis, the lighter, thinner cardigans require us to wear long sleeve shirts underneath so our skin doesn’t show. And, the jeans jacket helps with reducing the layers (darn you white cardigans!!). Plus, of course, long sleeve body shirts are not an option for me under maxi dresses (as you know from my previous post). #stopbodyshirts2016

4. A black maxi skirt: 

Black maxi skirts are great to have because, like the long black blazer, you can dress them up or dress them down. You can wear these with pretty blouses of any color, with high heels or flat sandals, in the fall with boots, and with light sweaters or button downs. They’re definitely a must have. I got my pleated one from Urban Outfitters and my plain one from Forever 21. The pleated one I mostly wear for special occasions, whereas the plain black one I wear casually.

5. A polka-dot blouse:

 Now, you may disagree with this particular one, but I’ve had this blouse for over three years and I’ve used it in so many different ways. I’ve worn it under blazers; alone with a skirt; underneath sweaters; and under cardigans. I feel like polka-dots can take a plain outfit and make it trendy. I got this from Forever 21.

6. A long denim shirt

So...maybe I should have ironed these before photographing them, but I like to keep it 100 on this blog. I have a lighter denim shade and a darker one. One is from Banana Republic (my favorite store) and the other is from J.Crew. These two have definitely come in handy multiple times as well. What’s nice about these shirts is that you can wear them throughout all four seasons. You can also pair a denim shirt with a black maxi skirt and it makes for a super cute casual outfit. You can also wear a denim shirt like this by itself in the summer and as a layering piece in the winter. They are especially cute with tall brown boots. 

7. A long maxi cardigan: 

These things are heaven sent for hijabis like me. This one that I have pictured is a taupe color that I got from H&M last year and I’ve worn it so many times that I’m beginning to feel sorry for it. It’s so light and airy and conservative. I call it a modesty piece for any outfit--especially this color. I’ve seen so many long maxi cardigans out right now, so I suggest you buy them while they’re still in style! I’ve worn this with wide leg pants, jeans, a jump suit, and even those harem pants. It literally goes with everything.

8. A long white button down shirt: 

Okay…I’ve searched endlessly for a shirt like this because I needed it for layering and just as a go-to under blazers type shirt. I finally found it at the J.Crew factory store last year, and, again, I’ve really put it to work. I think if you need one of these, now is the time to buy it because I imagine they would have a ton of them out for the spring and summer. Plus, white is always a good color to have to brighten up an outfit and works with almost anything.

9. A black and cream long sleeveless blouse:

These are wonderful to have to wear underneath cardigans or blazers. I use these all of the time and dress them up with slacks and dress pants. They’re nice for work, too … You can mix and match countless outfits with these two blouses because they're so versatile. 

10. For all of my hijabi sisters-a taupe colored hijab:

I feel like this color just goes with so many outfits. This is my default hijab; the hijab that won’t let me down and always helps fight away my bad hijab days (Yes—it’s a thing). It goes well with any skin tone and is a soft, neutral color that works with most outfits.  

I know that these items aren’t bright and colorful, but they are essential to my wardrobe because I can wear them over and over again in different ways, and that’s why I love them. That's not to say that I don't love the colors and patterns I do have in my wardrobe, but these specified pieces help me maintain a modest style that is also fashionable and sophisticated. 

I'd like to hear from you! What are some essential items that are in your closet?! Feel free to share in the comment section below! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Meal prep for baby: Healthy and convenient!

            So your baby has finally reached the milestone where he or she can start eating solid foods! It’s an exciting time, especially for first time moms like me, as you watch your baby discover what he or she favors. The first solid I fed my daughter was pureed carrots, and she seemed to like them. Although, she didn’t really know how to eat with the spoon properly for at least a week. It’s pretty hard for me to decipher what my daughter likes because she always has a disgusted look on her face after she takes a first bite of anything—even if it’s a food she’s eaten several times before. Even if it’s ice cream; she just looks at me like I voted for Donald Trump or did some other terrible thing. I was able to capture her disgusted look this morning, when I fed her Greek yogurt, which I do every day:

            Now, many of us have really busy and full schedules, and it can get hectic to constantly have to puree fruits, veggies or meats on demand for your baby. So, an easier option seems to purchase these foods already made, for example, in jars. But, if you just spend a couple hours once every two (or three) weeks, you can not only save yourself some time and money during your work week, but more importantly ensure that your baby is eating healthy! Here’s what I do:

Once every couple of weeks, I go out to the grocery store--wait , I lied—I make my husband go out to the grocery store and buy me apples, pears, zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, and whatever else that comes to mind. I preheat my oven to about 400 degrees Fahrenheit and I wash all of the fruits and veggies. I then use a potato peeler to peel off the skin of the fruits and veggies like apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and the outer layer of the longer carrots. Here’s a picture of what I prepared this past weekend: apples, sweet potatoes and broccoli.

 Once the skin is peeled off, I cut the fruits and veggies into smaller pieces so that they get tender faster. After that, I grab those large baking aluminum trays and begin to fill my veggies in the tray. You can also use a turkey roaster, or any other oven safe dish. To save some time, I just use the disposable trays. For my fruits (apples and pears) I create a separate section for them inside the aluminum tray, for example, I wrap them in aluminum foil to prevent the juices of the fruits to contact the veggies. You can also wrap your veggies too, just in case like this:

I then cover the entire tray with aluminum foil and let the fruits and veggies roast for about an hour. Sometimes—when I buy frozen veggies, like green beans or peas, I just boil them until they get tender. However, I’ve read that it’s better to roast your foods in the oven because that way the fruits and veggies maintain most of their nutrients.

Once the fruits and veggies are tender, I use a food processor (you can use a blender, too) to puree each fruit or vegetable on its own, except for the apples and pears; it makes a good mix. Once a vegetable is pureed to its desired consistency, you can use an ice cube tray, small Tupperware, or cupcake tins to store your pureed meals. A family member (Thanks, Wafaa Bazzi ;)) actually suggested the cupcake tins to me, and I thought it was such a great idea, and I have been using them ever since. After using the cupcake tin the first time, I immediately went out and bought more. You can probably find those anywhere, but I got them from T.J. Maxx; you should go! (See what I did there?) However, if your baby is just starting out eating solids, an ice cubed tray would probably measure a more appropriate amount. And, if your baby is older, a cupcake tin is a little more spacious, and allows more food to store. In the picture below, I had pureed beef stew, carrots, sweet potato, green beans and pears:

Once you have all of your veggies and fruits pureed and sorted out, wrap them up in plastic wrap and freeze them over night! Once they are frozen, let them sit out for about ten minutes and pop each section out using a butter knife. Once you pop them out, they will look like little bowls, like so:

Each bowl should be enough for one feeding. I then bag all of the veggie and fruit “bowls” separately and label them and put them away in the freezer.

 When I do this, I make a lot! I do enough to last me for two weeks, and you can even do it for three weeks. But, just a few hours once every two weeks, will help make life so much easier as the food will be done and ready in no time for your baby! All you have to do is take a bowl out of the freezer and warm it up. It’s not only a super healthy way to feed your baby, but it’s also convenient for any busy parent.

I also have to admit--something about saying the word “puree” makes me feel sophisticated.

What are some of the techniques you use to feed your baby? Let me know in the comment section, and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog J

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Get your mom a vacuum for Mother's Day! ... I'm serious!

            I want to talk about a product that I honestly think is the best thing invented since the dishwasher. And, I figured it’s the perfect time to talk about it since Mother’s Day is around the corner. It’s the iRobot Roomba cleaning vacuum. Now, before you all stare at your computer screens, mobile devices or wherever you’re reading this from with a stank face…just hear me out. I got this as a gift from my mother-in-law not too long ago... and believe me when I tell you: it made my life so much easier!

 This thing will help you tremendously around the house. It’s like your own little house keeper. It cleans your floors—hardwood, tile and carpet—so well that you can actually see all of the dirt that it picks up. When I first started using it, I almost went into depression seeing all the dirt that the vacuum picked up. Here I am, thinking I’m doing a great job keeping my house clean, and then this robot comes into my life and makes me question everything.

But, seriously, this thing is amazing, and truly a time saving machine. I leave it on charge whenever it is not in use, and clean it once a week. I make sure the filter is cleared from compiled dust, and I clean out the bottom brush from any hair or string the vacuum may have picked up. Once I’m ready to use it, I move out of the way any cords that are on the floor (i.e. phone charger, laptop charger) and I put away some of my daughter’s things (i.e. entertainer, playpen, high chair). Then, I just turn on the clean button, and watch it go. It senses when there isn’t any more floor to clean so that it doesn’t fall down any stairs. It will clean the entire area that you want, including corners. I have a colonial, so I use it mainly in my middle floor where my living room is, and in my bedroom because those are the two places we spend most of our time. What’s nice about it in my bedroom is that it goes underneath my bed! And, if you think it’s not doing a good job, trust me… just look at the filter… you will be shocked!!

When I was doing my student teaching, I was out of the house most of the day … and when I came back home, the last thing I wanted to do was swiffer or vacuum my floors. Having this vacuum was amazing and would benefit any home. I would set the timer on it every day to run at a certain time and when I came back home from work I felt like someone had cleaned for me. Now, here’s the catch: it is a little pricey, but trust me…it’s worth every penny. It’s a great gift because it’s not a vacuum that you have to push around or do any work with…you just simply turn it on and let it go! I've had it for two years and it comes with plenty of replacement filters, and other parts to keep it working like new.

Original price is around $375, but if you keep a close eye on it you can find it for a little over $250 at places like Costco or Sam’s Club. right now has it the cheapest for Mother’s Day. If you make an online account, you can add two different promo codes (204friends and momsday10) and you get a $50 mail-in rebate. The one I have is the iRobot Roomba 650 Vacuum Cleaning robot. This is the one time a vacuum as a gift won’t upset you, I promise! 

Now if only they come up with something that folds laundry...

Monday, May 2, 2016

The long sleeve body shirt underneath the evening gown...To wear or not to wear?

              It's wedding season, and you’ve just found a dress for your cousin’s/best friend’s/sister’s/sister-in-law’s/girl you met at a grocery store’s wedding. The dress you found is a sleeveless tube top dress, and is a shade of blue. You then search endlessly trying to find the right body (long sleeve shirt) to match and wear under the dress. You finally find one. It matches perfectly, as though the body and the dress are one. Now, read very carefully to what I’m about to tell you. Grab the body shirt that you just found to match your dress… wait until nightfall… find out if one of your neighbors is having a bonfire… walk over to that bonfire…and throw your body shirt into the fire and watch it burn. Or, you can return it.

            If you haven’t already figured out, this post is likely targeted towards women who wear the hijab. I have a very love hate relationship when it comes to buying gowns and buying body shirts to go underneath them. And, many of us hijabi sisters—including me-- have probably worn a long sleeve body shirt underneath a dress to make fit the Islamic dress code at some point. But, while some people may disagree, my opinion is that this has become an epidemic. #Stopthebodyshirts2016

Let me first say that totally I understand the struggle, and how difficult it is to find dresses to fit our modest-style needs. Long maxi skirts are now see-through with a short lining as if they were made with the intention to make a hijabi’s life harder. Or, sometimes you’ll find the perfect maxi skirt or dress only to pick it up and realize it has a split that goes miles above sea level. Many long sleeve dresses may be on the upper end of our budgets and dresses that need work to add sleeves can be a long grueling and risky process. Here are some of the rules that I set for myself about wearing a body to go underneath a dress.

Rule number 1: Neckline- If my dress is a strapless/sleeveless dress, I stay away from body shirts to wear underneath.

A lot of beautiful dresses out there are sleeveless, but one way you can make it work as a hijabi is to have a seamstress make you a short jacket in the same color of your dress that you can easily find at a fabric store that is also inexpensive. With a strapless dress, it becomes very difficult to work with adding sleeves, because no matter what you do, unless your seamstress works under Zuhair Murad, your sleeves will have the “added on” look. If your dress, however, is more of a tank top dress… or even short sleeve, sometimes your seamstress can add on sleeves to the dress and give it a complete, elegant look. 

Here's some pictures of the difference a body and/jacket can make to a dress: 

Rule number 2: Color- If my dress is not black or navy blue, I usually never consider wearing a body underneath it. And, if my dress is one color, and you ever catch me wearing a body shirt that is a different color underneath … I give you permission to smack me.

In my honest opinion, there’s nothing that cheapens a look of a pretty gown more than adding a colored long sleeve body to go underneath. However, I think anyone can pull of a black or navy long sleeve body shirt underneath a black or navy dress IF and only if the dress is not strapless and has a thick tank.Black and navy are deep, darker colors that usually allow for more concentration to see where the sleeve of the dress begins. So, it’s easier to get away with.

Rule number 3: Lace- A lot of lace long sleeve dresses are out there, and they are beautiful. You can find some that are very affordable as well. I think that if you find a gown that has long sleeves that are laced or maybe even a see-through material, it is perfectly fine to wear a matching body to “line” those dresses underneath. That way, you are giving the illusion that your dress was purchased already lined, and it looks classy, elegant and most of all complete.


Rule number 4: Brides- I don’t think that ever, under any circumstances, should a bride wear a white/cream/ivory long sleeve body shirt underneath her strapless wedding gown. If you can find a long sleeve gown… that’s great! I’m sure you will look radiant! Or, if you find a gown that you can easily complete sleeves for, that’s great, too! But I promise you… adding a plain long sleeve body shirt to wear underneath your glamorous wedding dress will ruin the look in its entirety. When I got married (5 years ago), it was in the pre-Kate Middleton long-sleeved wedding dress era. So, my dress was strapless, and I had a seamstress make me a short jacket using the same fabric that manufactured my dress. It turned out okay…but now with all of these gowns that are on trend and long sleeve, I think it’s a great time to be a hijabi bride!! Here are some of my favorite hijabi worn wedding dresses.

So tell me, what works for you? How do you find ways to make your evening gowns fit Islamic dress codes? Are you #Teambody or #Stopbodyshirts2016 ? Post some of your pictures with or without a long sleeve body shirt underneath your evening gowns below in the comment section! And, don't forget to subscribe to my blog on the right hand side of your screen!
