Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Traveling with Baby: Some uncommonly thought of packing tips.

 Before I had my daughter, I used to pack just two nights before traveling. And, very seldom did I forget things –except for the one time I forgot to pack my husband’s undergarments (it’s still hilarious, but that deserves another post). But, when I had my daughter, the thought of packing haunted me for weeks before our trip.  I kept having recurring nightmares that I forgot some of her essential items back home and I woke up frantic. 

My number one suggestion when packing with a baby is to pack ahead of time: at least one week in advance! Start by creating a list of all of the things your baby needs so that throughout the week whatever you remember you can add on. 

This will lessen your chances of leaving anything behind. Through my recent traveling experience to Florida, I figured I’d share with you some items that you may of not considered before to help you pack for your baby!         
1. Protective swimwear

Of course, sunscreen is a given. But, this swim shirt offers an extra piece of mind. Now, I know you are super excited to put your baby in that swimsuit that you bought from Janie and Jack…but keep in mind that your child’s skin is super susceptible to sunburn. I couldn’t wait to put my daughter in her adorable, colorful swimsuits so that I can photograph her. But, I knew that protecting her from the sun was far more important. These protective swim suits are a must have! They are long sleeve and you can find them anywhere. I actually saw a few at Target last week (here’s a link to one on Target’s website: Protective Swimwear). Along with the sunscreen, these long sleeve swim shirts will help protect your little baby’s soft, fragile, kissable skin! And, the sun in Florida is definitely different than the sun here in Michigan. It’s much stronger.

2. A baby carrier-

We were kind of iffy about this, but we ended up buying this Infantino baby carrier and it was so worth it! It holds up to 32 pounds, and it was really nice to use when we wanted to avoid hauling the stroller around. My husband did the carrying, but he said it was very comfortable with plenty of support for his back! We were able to use it when walking on the beach, which was really nice, and my daughter seemed to enjoy it, too.

3. Items for the plane- I’m sure you’ve probably read that the elevation of the plane may cause some discomfort to your baby’s ears during take-off and landing. It’s true. You may have also read that having the baby suck on a pacifier or bottle may help ease some of that discomfort. Also true. But, I do also suggest that when in flight to take some of your baby’s favorite toys, or books to keep him or her occupied. If your baby has a favorite show like mine does (Maya the Bee FTW) download it on an iPad and allow them some TV time (with no sound, though) in flight. Snacks are also a good thing to keep in your baby bag, as it will help kill some time as they work on their fine motor skills and enjoy their little nom nom.

4. Lysol/Clorox/Disinfecting wipes- I always like to take disinfecting wipes with me when I travel. Maybe I’m a little paranoid, but I used them to clean my stroller, car seat, and the crib that the hotel offered for our stay.

4. A crib sheet- Many hotels offer a crib for babies to sleep in during your stay. I took a sheet for my daughter just because it made me feel a little more comfortable as she slept in the hotel crib.  

5. A wipeable (is that a word?) bib- I honestly recommend these for everyday use and not just for travel, but they are great to take on vacation. It just saves you the extra laundry that you would have to bring back if you used cotton, cloth like bibs. Wipeable (Sorry if it's not a word) bibs are just so much more convenient and super light. I found mine at Target, and there are many different options.

6. This floaty thingy- 

So, originally we bought a different one, and it was no good. Then, we bought the one pictured above, and my daughter had so much fun in it. Not to mention it floats really well and it seemed really comfortable to be in. It’s colorful and cute and safe (with supervision, of course)
7. Health insurance cards- I cannot stress how important this is. I’ll admit, my daughter had a fever when we were on our vacation, and it scared the crap out of me. It went down quickly after I gave her some Tylenol, but if it had gotten worse I would have definitely had to take her to the ER. It’s always good to have your insurance cards on-hand when you are traveling away from home. You just never know what happens.

                Overall, we had a great time on our first family vacation. Florida is such a beautiful state, and really makes me question why I still live in Michigan. My family is lucky that I love them.

What are some uncommon things you recommend to take on vacation? Also—if you have more than one child, what are some tips you have when traveling!? 

1 comment:

  1. Loved all your tips! I also used a beach tent which honestly made my vacation that mich more amazing. Ava wasn't crawling yet so it really worked for me. I would lay her to nap on the beach and for 2 hours (twice a day) my husband and I would swim in the ocean it was nice because we felt like we actually had time to ourselves for a little!
